🧠 Want to upgrade your life?

(try this mindset)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Want to upgrade your life? Do more of what makes your soul at peace, even if you have to do it alone.

Here are three mindsets to help you find peace in yourself.

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- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Set a “Freak-Out Deadline”

Listen to today’s podcast where I talk about how to stop unnecessary worrying in your life.

  • What is a “Freak-Out Deadline?”

  • How to stay in the present

  • How to give yourself more time

Listen here.

2. What if you’re wrong?

Limiting beliefs…

“I’m not smart enough, attractive enough, funny enough, whatever enough.”

Those are beliefs that hold you back from trying - from applying to that job, talking to that person, starting that passion project, getting off the couch and dating, etc.

Something I do that really helps me ACT despite those feelings is I ask myself: “What if I’m wrong? What if I’ve backed myself into a corner for no reason? Do I have definitive proof in my life that my assumptions are true? Do I have proof that I am indeed not smart enough, not talented enough, or not worthy enough, etc.?” 

Probably not. What about you? If you’re wrong, wouldn’t it change things? And it begs the question: if you’re wrong… then why not you?

In a world where someone is going to WIN - someone is going to be happy and fulfilled in their career, someone is going to travel the world and experience everything they dream of, someone is going to find their person and they’re going to live an incredible life together, someone is going to ask for what they want and they’re going to get it - why can’t that person be you?

Why? Not? You? Create a window of opportunity for yourself to prove that your limiting beliefs are WRONG. Ask yourself that question, realize you likely don’t have proof... and then act.

 What if you’re wrong? Why not you?

3. The more you heal…

The more you heal, the easier it becomes to recognize who’s gold and who’s just gold plated.

The more you heal, the more you become ok with burning bridges if they’re leading nowhere.

The more you heal, the more you trust your gut over flattering words.

The more you heal, the more you trust in your ability to rebuild, even from the deepest of ruins.

The more you heal, the more you trust your decisions and the less you need others to love them.

The more you heal, the more you understand being alone beats being an afterthought.

The more you heal, the easier it becomes to say no without feeling guilty.

The more you heal, the more you understand that forgiveness is for you, not for them.

The more you heal, the more you see that not everyone’s absence leaves a void… sometimes it creates room for peace.

That’s it for today. Until Monday.

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast