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  • 🧠 The universe is giving you a sign...

🧠 The universe is giving you a sign...

(do you see it?)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Isn’t it beautiful how life’s unexpected detours are really the universe nudging you towards where you truly belong?

Here are three mindsets to help you find where you belong…

» That’s Bold of You is 10% off on Amazon.

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Do you see the signs?

Listen to today’s podcast where I talk about the signs around you. I talk about what they mean, how to see them, and how to receive them.

  • What is the universe trying to tell you?

  • What do the signs mean?

  • What to do next…

Listen here.

2. Is the world for you or against you?

What do you think the most important decision you’ll ever make is? Is it who you date? Where you live? How many children you have? How you invest your money?

Those are very important decisions, but there’s an even more important one, and it’s a mindset decision. That decision is: 

Is the world FOR you or AGAINST you?

This decision is predicated on the fact that the assumptions you make about life create your reality and your actions follow suit. If the world is against you, if life is unfair, if everyone is dishonest, if you’re an unlucky person…  you don’t try, you don’t open yourself to love, you don’t shoot your shot, you close off. You accept what you can get. You take whatever love, passion, or connection is available.

But if the world is for you… you have confidence in the DIRECTION of your life. You believe in possibility, goodness, and connection. You apply for that job, you start that business, you make that investment. You believe in your ability to either succeed OR rebound if you don’t.

This ONE assumption dictates EVERYTHING. It dictates what you accept. Your standards. Your aspirations. Your expectations of what is possible.

Is the world for you or against you?

3. A reminder…

You DON’T need to have life all figured out right now, you just need to figure out ‘right now.’

Instead of worrying about a 10 year plan or keeping up with everyone else, focus on today with this question: in this moment, what makes me feel most like myself? Does this job, partner, city, friend, routine, ambition, etc. make me feel most like myself?

Yes? Dive in further. No? Change.

Eventually you’ll figure it all out by collecting moments that make sense for you.

That’s it for today. Until Thursday.

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast