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  • šŸ§  Try this technique when you feel overwhelmed

šŸ§  Try this technique when you feel overwhelmed

(set yourself free from stress)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Thereā€™s so much peace in choosing kindness as your comeback to someoneā€™s bitterness.

Here are three mindsets to help you take your power back.

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- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinventā€¦

1. Do this when you feel overwhelmed

Listen to todayā€™s podcast where I talk about a simple strategy to help you when you feel overwhelmed by your lifeā€™s problemsā€¦ all at once. I talk about how to zoom out and ā€œconsolidate.ā€

  • What do each of your problems have in common?

  • One big problem is easier to solve than 10 small ones

  • How to take a step back and pause

Listen here.

2. The power of temporary people

The temporary people in life move you TOWARD what you deserveā€¦ not away from it. 

Grieving the loss of familiarity time and time again can be heavy. First date, second date, third date, start over.. Green flag, green flag, HUGE red flag, start over. Itā€™s easy to feel defeated. But maybe some experiences and people are SUPPOSED to be temporary? Maybe their chapter in your life is purposeful to make another chapter the most rewarding one for you?

Temporary people move you in the direction youā€™re supposed to go. Temporary isnā€™t a reflection of what you lost. Itā€™s a reflection of what you needed (even if that isnā€™t clear until later) and what youā€™ll come to gain. Temporary people come into your life to remind you of how much more you deserve. They remind you that what looks good on paper might not feel right in your heart. What a gift it is to discover that TODAY instead of looking back.

In the same way we have ā€˜seasons of questionsā€™ and ā€˜seasons of answersā€™ in life, people mirror that. Some peopleā€™s purpose is to come into your life to help you answer questions like, ā€œdo I deserve better?ā€ YES. 

Sometimes there is nothing redeeming about certain people, but in the long run temporary people serve you in ways you donā€™t realize until later. When their chapter is over, you're not just moving onā€¦ you're leveling up. You're not walking away with nothing. You're walking away with the experience, the wisdom, and the confidence of someone who knows their worth and won't settle for less.

Their time in your life moves you TOWARD what you deserveā€¦ NOT away from it.

3. This is a requirement in a relationship

Nothing is more attractive than someone who doesnā€™t leave you guessing how they feel. Itā€™s a sign of emotional maturity, a signal that they are in tune with themselves and respectful enough to be transparent with you at all times. You deserve to be with someone who offers you clarity, not confusion.

Thatā€™s it for today. Until Thursday.

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast