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  • 🧠 Are you keeping the peace around you?

🧠 Are you keeping the peace around you?

(what about the peace within you?)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Thank you to everyone who picked up a copy of my new guided journal, The Bold Journal. You can get a copy here.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be remembered as someone who proved that being a little crazy means you’re living fully. That’s someone who isn’t afraid to be bold, a bit out there and different, but always real.

Here are three mindsets to help you think differently.

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. A case for being bold

Why don’t we speak up? Why aren’t we bold? I’ve learned it’s because we’re trying to keep peace AROUND us. We’re trying to accommodate everyone else us. We’re trying to make everyone else comfortable. We’re trying to appease and please everyone. But doing that doesn't please ourselves. It doesn't make us comfortable. It doesn't accommodate ourselves. What does it say about OUR peace?

I saw this on Reddit the other day:

“I told my therapist that I let some things slide that bother me to "keep the peace" and he told me "that sounds nice, but you're keeping the peace around you...what about the peace in you?”

That’s it! You're keeping the peace around you... what about the peace in you?

You're keeping the peace around you... what about the peace in you?

To be bold is to prioritize peace within you. That’s knowing that you’re acting on honest feelings and honest intentions. That’s knowing that you’re not wearing a mask, saying one thing but doing another, or trying to impress people you have no business trying to impress.

Listen to this episode here about one practical way to be bold in life.

2. Slow down today

“The faster you go, the less time you experience. It’s like god is inviting you to explore the universe.” (Andy Weir)

That’s it. Just something to think about :)

3. Surround yourself with people who…

The easiest way to change your behavior is to get around other people who already have the behavior you want, normalized. (Codie Sanchez)

Those are people who you can't scare off - people whose loyalty never wavers and always have your back.

… people who ask "how are you?" and genuinely want to know the truth.

… people who have a knack for making ordinary moments 10x funnier than they should be.

… people who go out of their way to include the newcomer or shy person in conversation.

… who don’t have a bad thing to say about anyone because they choose to see the good in everyone.

// That’s it for today. Until Thursday,

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast