🧠 Karma is real

(and it's working in your favor)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Hello, my friend. I hope you had a great weekend. I’m fired up this week! I’m fired up to prove to myself that THEIR limits do not limit me. I’m fired up to prove to myself that THEIR ceiling in life is not my own.

Do you have a “THEIR” in your life? Someone who told you to be “realistic?” Someone who misunderstood your drive or motivation? Life isn’t about proving anything to other people, but it is about proving to yourself that you don’t have to believe what you’re told and you don’t have to be “realistic” based on other people’s realities.

Let’s get into it.

PS: all journals on newmindsethwhodis.com are 20% off :)

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent

1. Karma is real

One of the most underrated pieces for maintaining a good life is having a clear conscience. To absolutely know you aren’t out here doing people dirty, hiding who you really are, or screwing people over lets you sleep peaceful at night. Karma is real and energy is contagious. (unknown)

A peaceful inner life creates a peaceful outer life AND visa versa. Can you live a “turn the other cheek” mindset? And can you do it not only because it creates more peace in the world, but because it actively benefits you? Karma is indeed real, and it’s not only real for some people who have what’s coming to them, but the karma you accrue FOR yourself when you live with honesty and integrity is also real. It feels good to live without a mask, without hate, and without hurting others and it can only serve you in redeeming ways.

Not only that, but your ability to live with integrity is the most attractive thing about you. That’s your ability to NOT treat people in the same way you’ve been treated - to not hurt others like you’ve been hurt, to not cheat if you’ve been cheated on, and to not lie if you’ve been lied to. Your ability to live with integrity and discipline is the sexiest thing about you.

PS: you’ve accrued A LOT of “good karma”

2. Don’t talk yourself out of trying

Listen to today’s new episode of New Mindset, Who Dis if you need a push to try THAT thing in your life. THAT thing
 speaking your mind, asking for a raise, publishing your art or music, starting that business, etc. Today’s episode borrows inspiration from musical sherpa Rick Rubin who said the following in an interview I saw recently:

Never try to judge an idea based on the description of the idea. Always musically try the idea. An artist will say, “I have an idea, we can write the bridge like this,” and they’ll give me a description of their idea and it sounds terrible. The description sounds terrible. And I say “great, I can’t wait to hear it.” And then they do it, and it’s incredible. We never rely on the description. It’s always, “show it to me. Let me hear it.”

In life, we only know for sure what we’re willing to touch, smell, experience, love, etc. Everything else is fairy dust. Everything else is theory. Don’t talk yourself out of trying something based solely on the idea itself.

3. They’re just jealous

People who feel insecure or disappointed within their own life will always see someone else being proud of their accomplishments as ‘showing off’ or trying to ‘brag’. They view someone else’s success and happiness with envy, so they try to make them feel bad for sharing it. These type of people rarely applaud other people for their accomplishments, or use it as momentum to achieve their own. They see it with jealousy and as competition; they don’t want to be happy for a win that isn’t theirs, so they try to make you feel bed about your own. (@soulmuva)

This is a great reminder that people will always see you and judge you from the lens of their own reality. If that’s a reality riddled with doubt and insecurity, then you’ll likely run into their projections of shame and judgment. Realize where this stems from instead of agreeing with their point of view and affirm it has nothing to do with YOU or your potential.

How someone treats you says more about them than it does about you. How someone treats you is not a reflection of who you are. Who you are and what you deserve does NOT change based on someone’s inability to meet you at your level. Their limits do NOT limit you.

// That’s it for today. Until Thursday,

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast