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  • 🧠 This is your greatest strength

🧠 This is your greatest strength

(it might make other people uncomfortable)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Your greatest strength is your realness, the kind that makes fake people uncomfortable and the authentic inspired. Here are three mindsets to help you claim your realness in life.

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- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Eliminate distraction, win life

Listen to today’s podcast with best-selling author and distraction expert Nir Eyal to learn about the role distraction plays in our lives. That’s distraction that creates two versions of yourself - your intentional self, and your comparison self.

  • Distraction vs. traction

  • How to minimize regret

  • Don’t get “distracted” in your relationships

Listen here.

2. Don’t waste your sanity on their insanity

If someone hurt you recently, this is for you. Because if you’re anything like me, when someone hurts you in some way, you overthink it. You run the what ifs. You pour more thought and more energy into it. You might even blame yourself. But this is why their behavior is not your burden.

A study published by The American Psychological Association showed that when it comes to people’s hurtful actions, most people have an “ignorance is bliss” mindset. They justify their behavior by doing their best to avoid knowing the consequences of it. In the study with over 6,000 people, when given the option to learn the consequences of certain actions that were aligned with “doing the right thing” and some that were not, 40% of people choose to not learn. The takeaway was that ignorance offers a convenient escape for most people to indulge in selfishness without bearing the weight of its consequence.

People will do all kinds of mental gymnastics to avoid knowing how their actions affect you. That is a choice. Their ignorance is their choice, not your burden. Don’t add any more energy to it. Don’t run the what ifs, run the what is - they made a choice. That’s all you need to know.

Healthy relationships and friendships, above all else, are rooted in consideration. That’s someone who takes the time to see the world through your eyes before they make a decision. You didn’t do anything wrong. Choosing ignorance is a testament to their character, not yours and you don’t need to carry the weight of their choices.

3. Life is short…

Don’t wait around for apologies. Your peace is worth more than their acknowledgment. Say “I love you” like it's both hello and goodbye. Those words never waste anyone's time. Forgive freely and hug like you mean it. Grudges are a burden but love sets you free.

Laugh a lot. Surround yourself with people who make things 10x funnier when you’re with them. Give more compliments. They're like boomerangs that bring joy back around. Believe in good karma. Do good things recklessly and let the universe handle the rest.

Don’t do what’s expected of you. There's no prize for playing it safe, only the question of what if. Be weird and still who it scares off and who stays. The ones who cherish your magic are your people.

That’s it for today. Until Monday,

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast