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  • 🧠 Don't be strung along by "I'm too busy"

🧠 Don't be strung along by "I'm too busy"

(here's what it really means)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Hello, my friend. Here are three mindsets to wrap up your week. Remember, it’s your party and if you want to be a radiant disco ball of energy, love, and compassion who speaks honestly and confidently… don’t let anyone stop you. Life gets better when you stop being subtle about who you are and what you want in life :)

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Don’t be strung along by “I’m so busy”

Today’s new podcast episode will help you recognize the difference between a “I’m so busy” person and a “I can make time” person. 

How many times have you come across an “interested” but “so busy” person? How many times have you rationalized “I’m so busy” as being true and allowed yourself to be strung along only to look back frustrated?

Here’s what we need to get our heads around…

Being “ready” to date isn’t just something you feel, it’s something you do. Being “interested” in someone isn’t just something you feel, it’s something you do. Neither of those things are simply an emotional check-in, they are a willingness to embrace the inconvenience of dating. They are a willingness to indeed be “busy” and to have a lot on your plate… but to still communicate, to find middle ground, and to work with each other. A blanket excuse like “I’ve been so busy” from someone to explain why they dropped off the face of the planet or why they take 72 hours to text… that’s just dishonest.

Listen to this episode here.

2. You will bounce back

Every [person] needs to make a massive blunder in the hopes of something greater. At least once. A Mariana Trench level of low where you genuinely believe there is no bouncing back. Then you bounce back & the ground you’re standing on is 100x harder (@brutedeforce)

The best revenge in life is to bounce back. It’s to become the person no one thought you were capable of. To know what you are capable of, we have to trip and fall. We have to fail. We have to do that, not because it sounds good in theory to “embrace failure,” “rise from the ashes,” or any other self help cliche, but because failure shows you what you’re made of. Truly. We really don’t know what we’re capable of until we take a big swing, strike out, and realize that we can indeed succeed - we just need another crack at it.

So take this thought with you - what’s a HUGE, SCARY, AMBITIOUS swing you can take this week or next week? What’s something bold you can do that proves you’re in the game and you’re not content sitting on the sidelines?

3. This is what inner peace really is

Inner peace. Typically we associate this concept with being calm. With being quiet. With turning off the world around you and finding an internal comfort zone.

Inner peace is less about retreating from the world, escaping its influence, and staying in a place where you block those things out… and it’s more about getting fired up to face those things. It’s less about removing yourself and more about throwing yourself further into it. Inner peace is about standing up, it’s about stepping forward, it’s about affirming yourself…

Inner peace is about assertiveness. It’s not passive, it’s not about escape… it’s about moving forward. And to be assertive - to ask for what you want, to stay resilient in your goals and your worth - you have to know WHY. You have to know WHY something is important to you.

You have to know WHY you deserve the things you're going after.

Think about something you want in life. Think about something you’re worthy of. WHY? Why do you deserve it?

- Why do you deserve a partner who is honest, intentional, and consistent?

- Why do you deserve your hard work to be seen and appreciated?

- Why do you deserve to find your groove in your career?

Because you are honest, intentional and consistent. Because you work hard. Because you show up. Because you volunteer to go first. Because you do the little things right.

That is your why. Your actions. Your intentions. Your hard work.

When you’re grounded in WHY, even if the HOW, the WHEN and the timeline is unclear… you have inner peace. Because "WHY" is something no one can take from you. Nothing in life can take your WHY away from you. It can try but if you’re resolute in it… it’s yours. Nothing can take it from you.

Be assertive about your WHY. That’s a loud, energetic, vocal WHY. That is inner peace. No one can take it from you.

The next time you’re faced with LIFE, when it doesn’t go your way, when it makes you rethink the WHEN, the HOW, and the WHERE, say "I’m rooted in my why and that's all that matters."

Speak it! Ask for what you want because you know WHY you’re worth it.

That is inner peace. It’s always there and no one and nothing can take it from you.

*If this speaks to you, check out my 60-day guided journal But First, Inner Peace

// That’s it for today. Until Monday,

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast