🧠 Don't mistake drama for passion

(here's the simple difference)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Hello, friend. I hope you’re choosing peace today. That’s peace that comes from saying NO without and apology and YES without regret. That’s peace that comes from committing to your own happiness instead of pleasing the crowd.

Let’s get into it. Here are three mindsets to help you choose peace.

* I just released a new episode of New Mindset, Who Dis

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Don’t mistake drama for passion

Listen to today’s episode of the podcast for a practical look at why we mistake drama for passion. I talk about why we put up with cut and dry drama but dress it up as “passion” or saying “we’re both ‘type A’ people so this is just how it is.” No more! You deserve passion AND stability. Drama is the opposite and we’re not getting pulled into it any longer.

Listen here and I talk about:

  • the defining trait of drama

  • why we’re attracted to drama

  • how to break free

2. You’re not meant to stay the same

I read somewhere that one of the biggest psychological pitfalls is that we unconsciously interpret discomfort as "I'm doing something wrong" when the truth may be that you're simply doing something new. (melodaysong)

This is great perspective. Your life’s biggest, most powerful, positive and compassionate changes come from moments of uncertainty. You are supposed to feel uncertain in life. Embrace it! You are greater than your past and feeling uncertain means you are about to prove it to yourself.

You were never meant to stay the same. You were never meant to have the same goals, mindset, or vision for yourself that you had one year ago or even six months ago. THAT is the gift of being human - your ability to change and to be bold.

Trust that. Believe in that. Own that.

3. Do they deserve you?

The difference between someone who WANTS you and someone who actually DESERVES you…

A lot of people can say they like you, they can show interest, they can show up with loud compliments and big words and over the top promises, but there is a difference between someone who wants you and someone who actually deserves you.

It’s not about how much they like you, it’s about how they treat you.

It’s not about who initiates, it’s about who follows through.

It’s not about who makes promises, it’s about who keeps them.

Look at behavior not words, not interest.

It’s not about who apologies, it’s about who actually makes changes to their behavior.

It’s not about someone who says we should hang out soon, it’s about someone who says, how about Friday at 7?

It’s not about who tells you, it’s about who shows you.

That is the difference between someone who WANTS you and someone who might actually DESERVES you.

// That’s it for today. Until Monday,

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast