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  • 🧠 Don't get played by these THREE mind games

🧠 Don't get played by these THREE mind games

(they're all about distracting you)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

You didn’t drag yourself out of bed on days when everything felt pointless for nothing. You didn’t heal your wounds for nothing. You didn’t believe in yourself, even when no one else did, for nothing. The best is yet to come.

Here are three mindsets to help you make the most of today.

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- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Don’t get played by these THREE mind games

Listen to today’s podcast where I talk about three specific mind games that people play to get you to feel replaceable. I talk about why these games are all about “misdirection".”

  • What mind games want you to think

  • Don’t let them give you a “scarcity mindset”

  • How to spot these mind games

Listen here.

2. You are more than someone’s “maybe”

You are too full of life to be someone's maybe when you deserve to be their certainty.

Do you realize how full of life you are? It's hard to see sometimes because we’re so busy keeping the peace with other people. Prioritizing others, losing sight of ourselves, neglecting your needs, pouring from an empty cup.

Have you heard the saying You're keeping the peace around you but what about the peace within YOU? You are too full of life to compromise your peace for someone who thrives on chaos. To be the only source of light in a relationship.

You are too full of life to deal with hot-and-cold behavior where one day you're everything and the next you're nothing. Where you’re expected to be their emotional landfill where they dump their chaos and expect YOU to recycle it into love. You are too full of life to chase after someone who only looks back to make sure you're still following.

Your peace is your power. Don't give it away lightly.

3. Mixed signals?

We owe it to ourselves to be present in our life’s experiences as we live them - not in retrospect, not looking back and saying, “Those WERE good times, those WERE the days, or that WAS such a special moment.”

These ARE the good times, these ARE the days, and these ARE the special moments. Ask yourself this: “What is something in my life that I want to go back and experience for the first time again?” There’s something special about “firsts” in life. But we really only tend to realize this by looking back.

We can make a decision that literally everything we do in the present can be approached with enthusiasm as if it were a first. Pretend you’re living a “first” today.

The past isn’t here with us anymore and the future hasn’t happened yet... and we’re giving all of our living energy to those things?! Yes, it’s great to look back and learn from your past. Yes, it’s great to work to create the life you want in the future. But we need to carve out time today to be in today.

Approach this day as a special time in your life. A Tuesday at 11:00 AM. A Friday out with friends. A coffee. A meal. Chipotle.

Pretend it’s for the first time again. And remember what it’s like to experience something for the first time KNOWING that in retrospect, it’s a special moment. Be in the moment. Soak up the details. Listen to that song and just appreciate it. Taste the coffee. Shake their hands with enthusiasm. Make eye contact first.

What if you approached today as if it’s for the first time?

That’s it for today. Until Thursday.

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast