- New Mindset
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- 🧠You deserve "more" than grand gestures
🧠You deserve "more" than grand gestures
(the power of quiet love)
Hey, friend. If there’s one thing this year taught me it’s that you don't always need a plan. When you stop orchestrating every detail, life unfolds in beautiful and unexpected ways. I hope you find power and energy in the path you’re on right now.
Let’s get into it. Here are three mindsets to help you trust the path you’re on.
» That’s Bold of You is still 10% off on Amazon
- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)
THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…
1. You deserve “more” than grand gestures
Listen to today’s podcast to hear about the difference between declarations and consideration in a relationship. I talk about loud love vs. quiet love and why one is the key to a long lasting relationship… and the other is only temporary.
The difference between declarations and considerations
Quiet love vs. loud love
Is your relationship built to last?
Listen here.
2. Celebrate the season you’re in
“Even the trees embrace loss because they know it’s only a season. Eventually, everything ends in the best case scenario.” @ehimeora
We can’t force a season we’re not ready to be in. We have to give ourselves the gift of seeing the bigger picture of our lives and realize that sometimes we need to celebrate a season of transition even though we want to be in a season of MORE.
Zoom out for a moment and consider all the pieces of your life. Think about all the different ways you can and will find happiness and fulfillment. Think about all those seasons added up. Take a deep breath. Trust that path. Trust yourself. Trust your commitment to yourself. Trust that you deserve each and every one of the pieces you’re working toward, but recognize that each piece, as it is today, is not your entire existence. Embrace the season you’re in today.
There’s a saying that says, “Nothing in nature blooms all year; be patient with yourself.”
Maybe it's time to embrace that fact in a compassionate and energizing way? Maybe the best gift you can give yourself right now is stepping into a new season? A season of different? A season of simpler?
» more on this topic of “seasons” can be found in That’s Bold of You
3. There’s power in being alone
Being alone can be an amazing time in your life. You can be alone, but not lonely. You’re human and you’re going to feel lonely at some point. Maybe even right now. BUT there’s power in being alone.
The best analogy I can think of is this: Being alone is like the long, empty stretches between exits on a highway. You might feel lonely when you’re on those empty stretches but they’re just the transitional periods between exits.
- They’re the times between relationships where you feel you’re striking out BEFORE you find your person.
- They’re the times in your career that suck BEFORE you find that job you love.
- They’re times you feel a bit lost or insecure BEFORE you find your confidence.
Life is a highway (yes like the song) and sometimes you find your exit only to realize it’s the wrong one and you need to hop back on. But you know there’s more exits coming up (that's how highways work, right?) and so you’re fine being alone for a while longer.
Feeling lonely isn’t forever because on the other side are more exits. Exits are opportunities. Upgrades. It’s up to you to trust that your exit is coming up.
Being alone is just life's way of upgrading you to first class. Enjoy the legroom.
Feeling lonely doesn't make you less. It’s a feeling, NOT a description of who you are. You're just in between exits. Being alone is a journey, not a destination. Like the long stretches on a highway, it's the space between the moments that shape you, not a sign that you’re lost.
Your exit is coming and so for now you get to simply enjoy to enjoy the ride. Turn on the song you want to hear, put the window down, and trust in yourself.
That’s it for today. Until Thursday,
- Case Kenny
My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.
Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny
Listen to my twice-weekly podcast