- New Mindset
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- 🧠You deserve a catalyst, not just a companion
🧠You deserve a catalyst, not just a companion
("The Michelangelo Effect")
Hey, friend. What a year. And yet here you are, despite the darkness you’ve experienced, choosing to spread light everywhere you go. That’s something to be proud of and I hope you take time today to give yourself the credit you deserve. I hope you find some time today to appreciate YOURSELF and how far YOU'VE come. I hope you look at yourself and admire your ability to turn setbacks into comebacks, to be kind in a world that isn't, and to be overlooked but to never overlook yourself.
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- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)
THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…
1. The Michelangelo Effect
Listen to today’s podcast where I talk about why a relationship isn’t just about love, it’s about growth. I talk about why you need a catalyst in your life, not just a companion. I also talk about your “ideal self” and how the right person plays a crucial role in helping you becoming that version of yourself.
The Michelangelo Effect
Does your partner make you “better?”
A love worth waiting for
Listen here.
2. Time to “fika”
Have you ever found that the more you pursue something, the less satisfied you feel? The more you want to be rich, the more poor and unworthy you feel? The more you want to be attractive and desired, the uglier you feel? The more you want to be happy and loved, the lonelier you feel? The more we obsess over wanting something or wanting to improve ourselves, the more we feel that we lack that thing or that feeling… even if it’s not true. We become blind to what we have.
We don’t have to feel this way. We can dream big while also appreciating our lives. We can work to improve ourselves but not let it make us think that "in-between" time is wasted time. Enter “fika” - a Swedish word that basically means to have a coffee. But it’s more than that. It’s a moment to slow down and appreciate life. It’s a way to become distant from stress, to be calm and removed from the pressure you put on yourself for a moment.
Fika is about slowing down and taking time to be present. If you do this consistently, you will realize that your heart knows the truth of your life. And more often than not, your heart will tell you something your head won’t. Your head will tell you that you need more and better and that right now you are far from having that, you are lost, you are less and you are lacking. BUT your heart will tell you that in this moment, you have more than you realize. You have the gift of being alive, of being able to set new goals and work towards them, the freedom to choose, the ability to dream and vision.
You have the opportunity to use fika to reset your mindset. Fika isn't a gratitude exercise where you sit down and list all the things you're thankful for. Fika is just about slowing down for a moment. It’s about putting your brain on pause and letting your heart do the talking. It’s about recognizing that the reason you’re so overwhelmed right now is because your head is in the clouds. And when your head is there it’s easy to forget the ground you walk on. The everyday. The breath you take, the life going on around you.
You can find peace in slowing down by reminding your brain that it’s great to want more, to want certain emotions and milestones, but your heart just wants to appreciate the moment. Start a daily practice of fika to remind yourself that what matters isn’t where you’ve been or even where you’re heading. What matters is this moment you have right now.
3. A reason to journal…
“Resolutions, journaling, affirmations, and vision boards are powerful for people who take it seriously because to name things is to have authority over it. What you identify, you have influence over. You become the author of your plot when you control what the protagonist wants.” (SchrodingrsBrat)
If you need another reason to write down your feelings, this is it. The words we use are more powerful than we think and simply naming the feeling and analyzing it gives us power. It reminds us that we can observe without feeling, feel without interpreting, and be hurt but not suffer. Our ability to decide that is what makes us powerful.
That’s it for today. Until Monday,
- Case Kenny
My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.
Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny
Listen to my twice-weekly podcast