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  • 🧠 Being direct is the cheat code

🧠 Being direct is the cheat code

(start with being direct with yourself)

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Growth is beautiful. One day you’re just done being subtle about what and who you want, and the rest is history.

Here are three mindsets to help you find peace in your life.

My book “That’s Bold of You” is 30% off for a limited time on Amazon.

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. Being direct with yourself is the cheat code

In today’s episode of the podcast, I talk about why directness and honesty with yourself is is the foundation of everything - your relationships, your success, your happiness, your peace. But it’s also the hardest thing to do consistently… because self-deception is really, really comfortable.

  • Avoiding the truth will NOT keep you safe. It keeps you stuck.

  • The people who thrive in life aren’t always the smartest or the most talented—they’re the ones who refuse to lie to themselves.

  • If someone I truly respected looked at my life right now, what would they call me out on?"

  • You can either spend your life lying to yourself, or you can spend it living. But you can’t do both.

Honesty with yourself eliminates the wrong people, the wrong paths, and the wrong priorities in record time.

(listen to episode 670 here)

2. Please keep building your “lore”

Lately I’m loving the idea of your “lore” - the collection of stories, experiences, and legends that define your essence. It’s the aura you build around yourself through the risks you take, the choices you make, and the way you show up in the world. It’s the legacy of your boldness, your curiosity, and your refusal to live a forgettable life. Please keep building it.

Please keep taking leaps of faith that make people say, “That’s a bold move.” It’s part of your lore.

Please keep showing up as your most intense, passionate, and enthusiastic self. It’s part of your lore.

Please keep being a little too much for the wrong people. It’s part of your lore.

Please keep letting your curiosity lead you to places no one thought you’d go. It’s part of your lore.

Please keep saying yes to your crazy ideas and /see where they take you. It’s part of your lore.

Please keep choosing audacity over playing it safe. It’s part of your lore.

3. SIX mindsets I’m committed to this year

What are the non-negotiable themes for you this year? What are you building and prioritizing? Here are 5 of my ideas. I hope they inspire you.

  1. The theme for 2025 is overdue upgrades. I’m showing myself that all the waiting, healing, and hoping was worth it.

  2. The theme for 2025 is spicy optimism. I’m trusting that everything I want is magnetized and moving straight toward me.

  3. The theme for 2025 is full-circle moments. I’m trusting that what fell apart was just clearing space for something better.

  4. The theme for 2025 is clarity. I’m choosing people and places that feel like alignment, not confusion.

  5. The theme for 2025 is faith. I’m taking chances on dreams that seem crazy to most people but feel like destiny to me.

  6. The theme for 2025 is cosmic trust. I know what’s meant for me won’t miss me, no matter the plot twists.

That’s it for today. Until next week.

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast