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  • 🧠 Being cringe, letting go, and NOT being subtle

🧠 Being cringe, letting go, and NOT being subtle

... the power of being bold

mindfulness for rule breakers, free spirits, & inner peace enthusiasts

Long story short, your audacity is about to pay off in big ways.

Here are three mindsets to help you step into the best chapter of your life.

My book “That’s Bold of You” is 30% off for a limited time on Amazon.

- Case Kenny (@case.kenny)

THREE mindsets to help you reflect, rebel, and reinvent…

1. The Transitive Property of Embarrassing Yourself

Embarrassment is just misplaced energy. You trip on the sidewalk, spill coffee on your shirt, or post something vulnerable, and it’s not your moment anymore. It’s theirs. It doesn’t stay with YOU, it travels outward, landing in the minds of the people watching. If they find it embarrassing, it becomes their experience to process. It becomes their embarrassment to deal with. You’re no longer the sole bearer of that cringe moment, they now carry part of it.

Embarrassment is like a shadow, it only follows you if you keep looking back.

(listen to episode 656 here)

2. If it’s not already yours, what do you have to lose?

If it’s not yours yet, every attempt is just adding to the possibilities. If it’s not already yours, the only thing at stake is what could be - worst case, you’re right where you started, best case, everything changes.

  • The things you don’t attempt in life will cost you more than the ones you try and stumble through.

  • Messy action beats perfect inaction every time.

  • You either win or you learn, there’s no losing.

  • If there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain, why not go for it?

3. You made the right decision…

You made the right decision when you let go of someone you still loved because holding on was breaking your spirit. Trust that.

It takes strength to walk away from people who kept promising change but never followed through. To leave behind a connection that only worked when you did all the work. You should be proud of yourself for that strength.

You made the right decision when you stopped letting nostalgia convince you to stay where you didn’t belong. Trust that.

That’s it for today. Until Monday.

- Case Kenny

My name is Case. I believe in the power of perspective.

Say hi on Instagram @case.kenny

Listen to my twice-weekly podcast